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How strong are your leadership skills?

50% of CEOs say developing the next generation of leaders is their top challenge (but only 1-in-3 leaders believe they are effective at building talent.)*

We help middle managers develop the required leadership capabilities that prepare them to  step into their next role. 

*DDI 2022 Global Leadership Forecast

The Workplace Initiative helps develop better leaders, more effective teams, and improved workplace cultures. With a foundation in emotional intelligence and using an evidence-based approach, we help executives, emerging leaders, and teams leverage their strengths and increase their capabilities for effective leadership in a human-centered work world.

When we help employees experience work better 
they produce better work.


One-on-one coaching provides a unique opportunity to focus on what it means to be an effective leader, offering a unique opportunity to explore blind spots and  experience significant growth and development.

team coaching

Teams have their own personality and culture. Recognizing this, we work with teams as a system, focusing on team goals and how team members can work more effectively together to achieve them.


Leadership skills are crucial for success, and that’s why we offer workshops tailored to improve them. We create a customized curriculum to help you develop the the critical competencies needed in today's business environment.


Assessments provide metrics to benchmark where you and your team are today and identify areas for growth and development. When taken by teams, they provide a common vocabulary that helps members better communicate with one another.

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© 2018 Amy Kan

Los Angeles, CA

Trademark for COR.E Leadership Dynamics is wholly owned and used by permission of the
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).


Graphics and text descriptions of the Team Diagnsit™ model and methodology ©2016 Team Coaching International used with permission.


© 2006 - 2011 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) 

© by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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