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Certified Leadership Coach
One-on-one coaching packages


What gets in your way – again and again? Perhaps it’s lack of confidence or time management, or difficulty managing challenging relationships. Maybe it’s something else. In this package, we will identify and focus on whatever is holding your back and getting in the way of you accomplishing what you want. Integrating the principles of Energy Leadership and your personal ELI assessment results, we will design actions that move you forward toward your goals, while identifying and knocking down the blocks that stand in your way.


This 3-month package includes:​

  • Energy Leadership Index Assessment with personalized report

  • 90-minute assessment debrief by certified ELI Master Practitioner

  • 6- one-on-one coaching sessions (50 minutes each)

  • Access to tools and exercises tailored to your needs

  • Unlimited email support


Are you just not where you want to be, or feel you can be more, be greater? Are you ready for some real, sustainable personal growth? This package allows us time to work on specific challenges and situations as they arise, while also building a growth plan for sustainable success. With the Growth program, you learn how to change behavior so that the things that are holding you back today, are no longer challenges in the future. We will work together to uncover your blind spots, work through your immediate challenges and work on new behaviors that set you up for growth and success. This plan allows us to work together each step of the way to help you achieve ongoing results.


This 6-month package includes:

  • Energy Leadership Index Assessment and personalized report 

  • 90-minute debrief by certified ELI Master Practitioner

  • 12 one-on-one coaching sessions (50 minutes each)

  • Access to SCOPE, an app-based assessment that measures your engagement in given moment and suggest real-time strategies to raise it

  • Access to tools and exercises tailored to your needs

  • Unlimited email support

Dynamic Leadership

This program is for someone who is interested in achieving mastery in leadership and life. That is, someone who desires to continually learn, grow and develop into the best they can be. Leadership Dynamics examines who you ideally want to be, how you want to lead, and what you want from your life and career, and helps you devise a plan to achieve it. This leadership development coaching, with its accompanying workbooks, includes all the concepts, exercises and experiences that you will need to increase your potential and to use all the potential that you already have.


This 10-month package includes:​

  • Energy Leadership Index Assessment and personalized report

  • 90-minute assessment debrief by certified ELI Master Practitioner

  • 20 one-on-one coaching sessions (50 minutes each) using the COR.E Leadership Dynamics system

  • Client's personal COR.E Leadership Dynamics workbooks (250+ pages) for use during coaching and continued lifelong development

  • Access to SCOPE, an app-based assessment that measures your engagement in given moment and suggesting strategies to raise it

  • Access to tools and exercises tailored to your needs

  • Unlimited email support​​

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© 2018 Amy Kan

Los Angeles, CA

Trademark for COR.E Leadership Dynamics is wholly owned and used by permission of the
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).


Graphics and text descriptions of the Team Diagnsit™ model and methodology ©2016 Team Coaching International used with permission.


© 2006 - 2011 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) 

© by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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